Cancellation & Refund

All your orders you have placed on within 15 days you can return it without giving any reason. Customer our representatives will be happy to assist you in the refund and cancellation processes will be.

Things to consider about your order you want to return:

  • The return period is 15 days from receipt of your order.
  • Used, worn, washed products cannot be returned.

To return the orders you have placed at To return your product by sending an e-mail to that you want your product. Then deliver your product to cargo you can. When can I contact Perveran about my return process? should I pass? For faster tracking of your refund You can send an e-mail to the address related to the subject. Customer Service our representative will do his best to make your refund process as easy as possible. will do it. Can I call the shipping company to my address to collect my return?
By calling the Yurtiçi Kargo Call Center You can request your cargo to be picked up from your address.
Can I return every product?
You can return every product you have purchased on
I placed my order but then I gave up, I can cancel my order Am I?
Related to this topic You can send an e-mail to the address. If your order has not yet been shipped you can cancel your order if it has not been delivered. If your order has been shipped if you have been given a refund, you must return your order after it has been delivered to your address. is required.

After returning the product I purchased, I used the campaign codes Can I use it again?

If the campaign you benefited from is still active, you can use it. If the campaign has ended, you cannot use it.

When will the product I returned be refunded?
After the product reaches us, it is checked for compliance with the return conditions. Product If it complies with the return conditions, the return process is completed within 2-10 days. Product If it does not meet the return conditions, it will be sent back to your address. Your return Once completed, a notification message will be sent to your membership e-mail. This If you received the message, your bank has been refunded by Perveran means.  "My Orders" tab in the "My Account" section You can check the return from your bank with your reference number. Return The time for the amount to be reflected on your card depends on your bank. With credit card If you have made a payment, it is usually reflected in a few days. For bank cards the refund will take longer to reflect in your account. Perveran installments pays the bank for the purchases made in one lump sum. The bank will receive this amount refunds your credit card in as many months as the number of installments. Ex: 3 installments If you received it, the return is completed in 3 months. With free shipping campaign if the orders created are canceled/refunded and the remaining amount fulfills the campaign condition If it does not, the shipping fee is deducted from the price of the product to be returned.